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Showing posts from December, 2020

Things To Consider Before Hiring A Delivery Service

Choosing the right courier service can be an overwhelming task for many. This is why, this write up has been painstakingly made to clear all doubts before going for the best delivery service in Darwin . Follow the tips below: Immediate Availability When your business hire couriers they would want to make sure it has immediate availability so that they can pick up the package and get it delivered right away! Weight and Size Limitations It is also important to note if there is any size or weight limitations as some of the delivery services makes a big fuss out of it! Delivery Proof Needless to say proof of delivery is by far the most important factor which you should consider. Before hiring a courier service ask about their tracking facilities and the nature of shipment. Along with that make sure the tracking they provide is on real time basis. Find out whether the delivery proof is mentioned via their company website, email or phone number. Cost to Value Ratio Next tim